Walt Disney had originally set aside this space for an apartment for his use and for that of his brother Roy Disney. The apartment would be larger than Walt Disney’s original apartment in the park. Since then…
Walt Disney had originally set aside this space for an apartment for his use and for that of his brother Roy Disney. The apartment would be larger than Walt Disney’s original apartment in the park. Since then…
Walt Disney kept an apartment for himself at Disneyland Park above the fire house on MAIN STREET U.S.A. When Walt Disney would stay in the apartment, he would let cast members know he was there by lighting a lamp
A multi experience pass allows you to choose one Disneyland Park or Disney California Adventure Park attraction to access through a priority entrance while bypassing the standby line. No rider reservation is needed.
At Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park, an attraction is a ride, show, interactive or walk-through entertainment offering for guests. Examples of
Some attractions at Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park have a pre-show. A pre-show is an introductory video or other type of entertainment before the main attraction.
You may rent lockers at Disneyland Park, Disney California Adventure Park and on the Esplanade at Disneyland Resort. The cost for each locker varies by locker size.